Kaafiye Technology Center (KTC) Privacy Policy

At Kaafiye Technology Center, we prioritize your privacy. This policy encompasses all the products and services we offer.

Information Collection:
We collect data during registration, product use, and partner page visits to enhance user experiences, including IP addresses and browser information.

Cookie Usage:
Cookies are used to improve service quality, store preferences, and track trends for better user experiences.

Data Retention:
Shared information, like messages and content, is retained to enhance services and securely stored on our servers.

Usage of Information:
Personal data is solely used for communication, service provision, and network maintenance.

No-Spam Policy:
We strictly prohibit spamming and do not sell contact information to third parties.

Options Regarding Personal Information:
Users can decline cookies and withhold personal data, affecting service accessibility.

Information Sharing:
Personal data is shared under specific circumstances, with consent or for legal compliance, while non-personal data may be shared for analysis.

Information Security:
Stringent measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access, with access restricted to authorized personnel bound by confidentiality agreements.

Accessing and Updating Personal Information:
Efforts are made to provide access and rectify inaccuracies in personal data.

Changes to Privacy Policy:
The Privacy Policy may undergo occasional updates.

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